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Often billed as the “most famous car in the world”, the Aston Martin DB5 is widely considered to be amongst the most beautiful cars ever made and is often labelled as the most attractive built by the British marque. Certainly it is one of the most beloved, thanks largely to its now eternal association with a certain agent of international espionage. The DB5 was propelled to worldwide fame when used as James Bond's car in the movie 'Goldfinger,' as well as a number of subsequent James Bond films. The association with the world’s least secret agent was a marketer’s dream, the perfect example of product placement, which nearly didn’t happen at all: Jaguar’s E-type was the preferred choice, but Jaguar turned EON down, and Aston Martin’s owner David Brown was also initially reluctant to supply a DB5. The rest is history, and James Bond’s gadget laden Silver Birch DB5 became an immortal silver screen phenomenon.